Purpose Inspired: by Wayne Visser

S5.E21: Future Fitness (Part 1)

Wayne Visser Season 5 Episode 21

Are you fit for the future? Will your product, organisation, community, city or country survive and thrive in 10, 20, 50 or even 100 years? How can we – as individuals, businesses, communities and policy-makers – prepare for the future? How can we maximize our chances of success, not only by being ready, but also by helping to shape the future that we desire? I think it helps to view future-fitness in two ways: in terms of alignment – i.e. fitting, like a jigsaw piece, into the bigger picture of an emerging world; and in terms of agility – i.e. building up the kind of fitness that allows quick reflexes and strong performance in response to future conditions.  In this episode, I cover: 
- A Test for Future-Fitness
- How Web 2.0 is Shaping the Future of Business
- Net Value Footprinting and Forensic Impact Analysis